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Dear friends, thank you for coming in such large numbers to the 14th International Aumism Symposium.

which took place on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th March 2024 in Paris 12ème – Espace Charenton :

on the theme :



We shared a wonderful moment of exchange and learning,

of joy and hope for the future.

It’s always a pleasure to meet up, and we look forward to seeing you again.

at the next symposium in 2026 !



The aumiste 2024 symposium addressed key points to help our humanity through times of crisis.

It was an exchange on current issues that concern us all :

We had the opportunity to pool our various contributions to both individual and planetary well-being.

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General presentation of the symposiums

The International Symposium on Aumism which has been held every two years since 1998, aims to find solutions for living better with others and the environment, in a world where the choice of reconciliation and solidarity is urgent: it brings together participants from all walks of life, Aumist and independent Aumist speakers, researchers and actors in various fields, around themes that concern everyone..

Its aim is to find solutions for a better relationship with oneself, with others, with the environment, in a world where the future depends closely on our present choices, both individual and collective.

The program also included a meditation for peace, a film on the Founder’s initiatory journey, a concert of sacred chants, a demonstration of Hatha-yoga and Martial Arts

The program also included a meditation for peace, a film on the Founder’s initiatory journey, a concert of sacred chants, a demonstration of Hatha-yoga and martial arts, not to mention the traditional snack – in compliance with current health regulations, of course.

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Themes of previous International Symposiums of Aumism

  • 14ème Colloque – 2024   
    Comment aider l’humanité aujourd’hui
  • 13ème Colloque – 2022
    Réinventons la solidarité
  • 12ème Colloque – 2020
    Ecologie : Changeons pour sauver la Planète
  • 11ème Colloque – 2018
    Sortir de la violence pour mieux vivre ensemble
  • 10ème Colloque – 2016
    La vie sur Terre et dans l’au-delà
  • 9ème Colloque – 2014
    Bâtir ensemble l’ère nouvelle
  • 8ème Colloque – 2012
    Construire la paix entre les hommes
  • 7ème Colloque – 2010
    Le respect, une priorité pour le monde actuel
  • 6ème Colloque – 2008
    Retour à l’équilibre personnel et planétaire
  • 5ème Colloque – 2006
    Religion et non-violence au quotidien
  • 4ème Colloque – 2004
    Réussir sa vie : la conquête du bonheur intérieur
  • 3ème Colloque – 2002
    L’évolution des consciences
  • 2ème Colloque – 2000
    L’Unité des Visages de Dieu et la paix dans le monde
  • 1er Colloque – 1998
    L’Aumisme Religion du 3ème millénaire