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 september 4thh 2023

New release

For young people

«You are the hope of the future of humanity », says the Lord HAMSAH MANARAH to the young people of this changing world, urging them not to fall into the ways of many adults.

– His Teaching encourages boys and girls to develop their physical and moral resistance, courage, effective reflexes, in particular through a well-understood practice of the Martial Arts: real non-violence is not weakness, nor escape, nor resignation. It is love in strength.

– He gives them useful reference points (even for adults!) to build their balance, their happiness, by becoming actors in a pacified future:

« A Knight of Peace has a sense of honor and duty.
He is loyal, keeps his word and serves the truth.
He is humble yet strong, kind, generous, forgiving of offenses and developing universal Love.
He maintains a healthy body and renounces all drugs.
He strives to control his actions, words, thoughts and emotions. He cultivates faith in human value and respect for life.
He is tolerant. He stands above all prejudices thanks to a constant struggle against the negative elements of his personality.
He loves his country faithfully, but never forgets that he is a citizen of the world and the universe. (…)»


(L’Aumisme, la Doctrine de l’Age d’Or, p. 248 )

