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Sunday April 26, 2020

New publication every Thursday and Sunday


In addition to refocusing on ourselves, confinement encourages us to reflect on what we are experiencing. Revealing the best and the worst in our humanity, the pandemic acts as a mirror:

– On the one hand, we can see in the world, beyond the individualistic tendencies that are sometimes reinforced, the resurgence of parochial quarrels, outbreaks of hatred, resentment, totalitarian initiatives and the acts of predators taking advantage of scarcity. These behaviours belong to the destructive era from which we urgently need to emerge – it is called the “Iron Age” in the Aumism as well as in other traditions, especially Hinduism.

– On the other hand, we are witnessing surges of devotion, generosity that reinvent solidarity, solicitude. They testify that we can leave behind the behaviours of the past and enter the “Golden Age”: “Whether we call it the Golden Age, the Age of Aquarius or the New Age, this return to an Era of peace, fraternity and unity in the light of a new spirituality, announced and prophesied by all religions, is hoped for and awaited by millions of people on this Earth. “» (Le Yoga de l’Amour dans la Force, ch. 12, « La Loi des Cycles »)

The current episode (re)confronts us with a choice: that of the scenario towards which we wish to commit ourselves, individually and collectively. Are we going to choose to return to our old routines of indifference to others and to the planet, to remain in the rut of destructive divisions? Will we explore or deepen the paths of love and brotherhood determined, against all odds, to build a better future for our world?

May we make this second choice… that of entering a new era, of changing our mentality by striving to overcome our shortcomings and develop our human qualities, to conquer the “Golden Age within” but also the planetary one…

May we make times of pandemic and confinement, times of gestation preparing us to become, each and every one of us, actors in the construction of a united and reconciled world, capable of offering one day, to all beings, the joy of living together.
